Author’s Perspective of The Book “Is It Just Me? A Canadian Conservative’s Unapologetic Thoughts About 21st Century North American Life”

This book is a compilation of my thoughts, observations, jottings, unpublished scholarly articles, and unpublished letters to the editor from recent years.  Most have been fleshed out and updated to some degree.

Canada and the United States are the focus of this book, but some issues have wider relevance.

My Perspective and Ideology

I am a conservative, but not an ideologue. My core moral values and duties are rooted in my Christian faith, and I try to develop my position on political and social issues through logic and common sense.

I am perfectly willing to change my mind if compelling argumentation arises. I am not wedded irredeemably to uncompromising and dogmatic positions, certainly not in the realm of social and political issues.

Someone once said, “When everyone is thinking the same, no one is thinking”. It amazes me, but also troubles me, at the convergence of thought that has occurred at North American colleges and universities where liberalism and the Progressive Left have taken over and conservative voices are unwelcome and even ridiculed and persecuted.  How can that possibly be a good thing? How can young students — tomorrow’s leaders — develop sober second thoughts and a healthy scepticism of received wisdom if opposing voices are stifled and even deplatformed?

Over To You

I hope that the writings in this book “Is it just me?” will cause readers to thoughtfully re-examine their own views on social and political life in North America, and have a few laughs along the way.

My efforts at humor are purely intentional.