“You’ve Got This: Tim Becomes a Christian” – Core Idea of the Book
This book is written primarily for young teens (ages 13-19) who are aspiring to join the Christian faith.
The Bible often seems difficult to understand. It is a compilation of documents from different times and places, written in different styles and by various authors. It is replete with large numbers of names, places, people, and historical events which can be hard to follow.
So, I have tried to distil the Bible, particularly the New Testament, into the core principles and teachings that can (hopefully) be grasped fairly easily by young readers. The focus of “You’ve Got This: Tim Becomes a Christian” is placed on the basic knowledge needed to understand Christianity, leading up to baptism and church membership.
Where possible, I have used an easy, conversational style of writing involving a hypothetical teen, Tim, and a young Pastor, William. Question-and-answers are used to explore various topics and issues.
Tim and William are fictitious, but I have used the content of the Come Alive: In Christ You Are A New Creation document (with permission) from my church[1] to develop appropriate study content.